Using Page Kits

I always found it difficult to use page kits because I could never find pictures to fit into it. I attended my first CKC convention in 2012 and I made several pages learning new techniques. 

I then joined the Quick Quotes club getting several kits and papers a month not sure I was going to use them. I was working on my daughter's first dance competition year and kept looking through my growing bag of kits and stumbled across several I wanted to use and surprised myself by being able to use them. 

Now I love using these kits. Below are pictures of the samples and what I did. I didn't follow the instructions completely. I made the pages fit my pictures instead of the other way around. This one is my favorite.

I kept looking at this summer page kit wanting to use it because I liked the colors but I wasn't going to work on any summer pages for awhile but I found that it fit with these pictures very well.

I liked the coloring of this page kit but wasn't sure if I would be able to use it but it worked out well with the colors in the dance pictures. See below:
Please let me know what you think. I like coming up with my own ideas but it is fun taking another idea and making it your own.


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